When we moved to our new place this summer, we got 3 free months of the premium movie channels to try them out. Since this was our first foray into anything besides the very basic, $13 cable service the chances are very dim and slim that we will add those channels for a fee.
So let us pause for a moment of silence on this, the last day of free premium movies. { }. Farewell, HBO (all five of you), Cinemax, and the other one I can't remember. (Oh! Showtime! I just remembered). It was good while it lasted.
The main void after the channels disappear into the DishNetwork atmosphere will be The Flight of the Conchords. Sniff. I love those crazy New Zealanders--Jemaine and Bret. The show's a blend of comedy and music video quirkiness following this small band of two and their escapades in NYC. Their manager is running the band arrangements on the side from his office in the New Zealand embassy. They have a fan club with one member but she's a committed, crazy fan. They are victims of hate crime when someone confuses them with Australians. They pause to sing songs in the middle of the story every week. Here's a taste of their hilarious songwriting from their first episode, appropriately chosen for the eve of their departure from my life:
I don't know...maybe this is one of those had-to-be-there instances. I can attest that both Greg and I have had tears (not just rain or sweaty eyes) from laughing so hard during FOTC. {Caution: the show can be a tad...earthy now and then. Not for everyone, to be sure. Some episodes are completely fine and others might veer into HBOness. Just so you know.}