Internet curiosity shop
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Every once in a while I come across a site that proves that--yes--truly, there's a little piece of something for everyone on this information highway. {My two long-time readers will remember I've shared the hotdog blog before, created by G's former co-worker, and the pooh sticks tournament site}

Here are a couple of new additions to the vast curiosity shop that is the internet:

Well, of course, there's a website called Kitty Wigs! What cat wouldn't want to amp up her wardrobe with a little swingy wig? Check out the "bashful blonde" and the "silver fox," too.

I love photo booths. Love the frenzy of quick-hurry-think-of-a-pose {click} now-let's-do-silly {click} speedy-exit-your-turn-in {click} let's-all-jam-in-here-now {click}. Love the retro look of the black and white photos and the spontaneity they capture. A few years back we used photo booth strips for our Christmas card and I wanted to do it again this year. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember where to find one around here. Well guess what? There's a photo booth blog, complete with photo booth finder, lists of movies featuring photo booths, photo booth rental information (I wish!), etc.etc.

What are the best- most obscure - funniest - websites you've encountered in your wanderings?

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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