Next time I'll make sure I turn it off...
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

So I was in church on Sunday, sitting with the kids on the second row pew as usual. We sit there so we're right in front of where G sits on the stand so he can turn the evil eye on a squirmy child if needed. (Actually he only winks and smiles at us, not because we're not squirmy but because he doesn't really have an evil eye look in his repertoire. That would be my category.) Anyhow. We're in the middle of the quietest, most reverent parts of the meeting and someone's phone goes off. How annoying...don't people realize this is a worship service? It takes me about 1.7 seconds to realize it's my phone. Oops. I lean down to get the phone and G raises his eyebrow at me.

When I open the phone to turn it off, it says that G is calling. That's weird. He's right in front of me and definitely not on the phone. I mouth to G "It's you!" and he mouths back "It's Drew?" and I say (with pointing) "No! It's you!" I'm imagining that he's lost his phone and someone is trying to find out who it belongs to. Or maybe someone at his office is calling from his office line? He fumbles in his inside coat pocket and draws out his blackberry. Now I get to raise my eyebrow. Apparently he accidentally leaned his elbow in at just the right angle to click the wheel that just happened to be highlighting my name/number. What are the chances? Score: G 0, Blackberry 1.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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