Philly here I come....
Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm hitting the road {Jack} today and driving down to Philadelphia for dinner, then back again because I only have a babysitter for today. The 12-hours- of-driving-in-one-day is completely worth it because I'm seeing my brother off on his Peace Corps adventure. Yay, Chris!

I must be a little worried about the drive, though, because last night I had all varieties of dreams about it, including a snowstorm (um, unconscious psyche, remember it's July?), a van full of marching band instruments, a mini-scene where the carpet in the car disturbingly changed into spaghetti-like shreds, and a repeated thing where there's suddenly something in the road and I swerve to miss it and jerk awake.

Mmmm. Nothing like a good, restful night before a long drive. Happy Monday!

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