If I had an extra $10,000...
Thursday, July 19, 2007

...I would be sorely tempted to buy this rare first edition of To Kill a Mockingbird, signed by Harper Lee. A girl can dream...

I've been browsing around the Alibris site this afternoon, trying to figure the prices on the 1st editions of my favorite books. Wouldn't that be great...to have a shelf with your favorite classics in first editions? Or maybe I should think ahead and get current books in their first printing before they are classics? Or frame the covers of favorite books-- regardless of their "edition" status? The prices at Alibris make this all seem doable (except for those rare editions, sadly).

If you're wondering (and I'm going to just trudge on and tell you, whether you were wondering or not) in the end I settled on bargain basement prices on The Kite Runner, a couple of Stegners, and a book by my aunt Annette about raising teens.

Not that I don't have more books than shelves as it is or boxes of books still waiting to be unpacked...

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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