Monday, July 9, 2007
Anne in M, S, adventures

We took a break from the unpacking this week to visit the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem (thanks, public library, for your free museum pass program!).

I've heard much good press about the PEM but hadn't yet made it there. Sam was a little reluctant (car repugnant as he is) but once he heard they were featuring an exhibit on origami he was on board.

If you're in the Boston area, be sure to check it out. Besides amazing paper-folding creations (see pictures below), they also have hands-on origami projects that were pleasers. (Looking for a fun activity? The website has some great origami lessons to try at home.) These were so cool (and, yes, completely out of folded paper!):

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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