Weirdness + a contest
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Anne in TMI?, contest, lists, meme

My English penpal Lindsay tagged me for the Seven Strange Things About Me challenge. Hmm....only 7?

1. There are no bureaus/dressers in our house.  Isn't that odd?? We just use closets and shelves and baskets.  I think the real story is that I've never felt like using funds for dressers when I can save it for a trip. Or books. Or camera lenses. 

2. I have not read the Harry Potter series. I know, I know. But I'm saving it! (I have actually read  the first one to Sam years ago but I'm savoring the fact that I still have them ahead of me.)

3. I like to do things at even intervals on the clock.  Not 7:08 or 7:09...I'll wait until 7:10.  Or, even better, 7:15 or 7:30.  This is how I delay getting out of bed in the morning.

4. I love to peel things: paint, wallpaper (now that I have a steamer. Thanks, Jen!), fingernails, apples, potatoes.  So satisfying.

5. I'd rather organize than clean.  My tolerance of a little dirt is higher than my tolerance for clutter.

6. I was a copy editor/proofreader for a book publishing company.  To this day I can spot those typos in books I makes me feel like I should write to the editor if I spot one.  (I never actually do it. But I do correct typos I find on my blog posts so I end up posting some things several times. Sorry.)

7. We will be spending Christmas on an airplane.  In order to get the cheap tickets, we are leaving on Christmas Day.  Nothing says Christmas like airplane food, movies on tiny screens, and the little uncomfortable, paper-covered pillows!  

As for where we're going on that trip?  How about a little contest?  The person who guesses where we're going (hint: we will use our passports) gets a little care package from me, including some of my favorite goodies and a book giftcard.  

Guesses close Wednesday 10/8/08 at midnight, one guess per person :). If you already know where we're going (Mom & Dad? Matt?) you are not eligible.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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