See that woman in the middle?
The one alone
With the white hat and broom
Head down, sweeping
Or digging, maybe.
That has been me.
Focused on the depth of snow in front of me
And my need to dig out.
To the boisterous gathering over there
And to the snow-stuck wagon behind me,
Where my broom could be put to better use.
Unaware of the simple miracle
of a young woman on a horse,
almost hidden by winter clothing
and seeking a place,
The holy significance lost in favor of
Bristles and snow.
I'm putting down the broom
And looking up.
Join me?
The last final is handed in and the big paper was submitted this morning. I feel so grateful for the lightened weight from my shoulders! I'm ready for a simple, enjoy-the-moments Christmas week with the family, aided by the coming snowstorm and cancelled events.
Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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