Louie: Keeping watch over the fields by day.
It's Hard Work, as George Dubya would say.
I have to keep reminding myself that it's actually Tuesday. Which is especially important since our elementary school gets out early on Tuesdays. Years ago I once forgot about an early release day and poor young Lauren came home to an empty house. Actually it didn't matter that it was empty because she couldn't even get inside--it was locked. When I finally made it home from my unimportant errands, she proudly told me "I didn't want anyone to see me {kidnappers?} so I hid in the backyard in the snow. But I really had to go potty so I went outside. Sorry, Mom." Yeah, that was a Bad Mommy, hand-wringing, apologizing day. We both cried + went out for McDonald's AND ice cream as proof of my sorryitude. Lesson learned.
Speaking of lessons learned, click on over to Letters to a Parent this week, where wonderful Jenny has articulated some of the lessons she's learned during her journey as a mother raising 5 children. You will be glad you did. {Sidenote: Jenny and I share a great-grandmother but didn't really know each other until we started e-mailing last summer. She's fabulous and funny and insightful. Just the kind of person you'd want to have as a friend or first cousin once-removed. Or mother--those lucky kids. Thanks, internet!}
Now I'm off to do my Mondayish to-do list. Good luck with yours.
Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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