Sweet escape
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Anne in S, adventures

With both daughters at sleep-over girls' camp this week and Greg ensconced in work projects, that left Sam and me at home this week. Which I was really looking forward to: quality time with my son, one on one. We could go to museums! Hikes! Make bird houses! Catch up on all the scouting requirements! I started whistling the Andy Griffiths show theme song just thinking about it.

But then I started noticing that we were having a lot of conversations like this:

Me: hey! We have a free afternoon. Do you want to go on a bike ride?
Sam: (after long pause) ...with you?
Me: yeah...I have a bike, you have a bike...we can ride them together.
Sam: Um (considering) no, thanks.

(Not having gotten the full hint yet)
Me: What about a movie?
Sam: Just you and me?
Me: (beginning to get the hint) Well, yes.
Sam: No, thank you. (One thing you've got to say about Sam, he rejects you with his best manners. And deep down I know I'm one of his very favorite people in the world. Just not one he necessarily wants to be seen alone in public with.)

Not to worry; I brainstormed a great Plan B. Thanks to a great last minute deal, we've headed to St. Louis for a few days to stay with some of our favorite people. It's a win-win. For Sam: terrific boys to play with (and the requisite distance from me, I suppose). For me: a good friend to talk/laugh/steal ideas from/watch movies with (and, truthfully, I've been just looking for an excuse for a Christie fix).

in the Chicago airport this morning on a layover.
Apparently being seen with your mom
at an
is completely fine.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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