Independence Day
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Anne in holiday, musing

It feels like Seattle weather here: a bit overcast and pleasantly cool. We went to the town celebration this afternoon--a homegrown, folksy time with cotton candy, three-legged races, a kids' obstacle course, hot air balloon rides courtesy of a local realty, the town band playing marches and ragtime. My camera took the afternoon off, poor thing deserved a break.

Also, earlier:
pancake and sausage breakfast
too many cherries (but they're so good!)
a Twilight Zone marathon

And now:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
napping to prepare for the late night fireworks
making potato salad for dinner tonight

I wanted to pause and be grateful for family (it's been great having my parents here), kids holding balloons, oompa tubas, lawns, sparklers (sadly illegal here in MA), and especially for the freedom to speak out/believe/worship/choose your own direction/vote/travel and for those brave souls who sacrificed to secure these things.

Have a great one, friends.

p.s. It's hard to believe that it was a year ago we put Lauren on the plane to Ireland (and we moved into this house). Where does the time go, anyway?

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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