Happy Monday
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Anne in life, photog, self portrait

What a weekend.  Lots of rain.  I started out with high hopes but immediately realized they were going to have to be put on hold when I started having blacked out vision:  my sure sign of a looming migraine.  Sure enough, I spent the next 7 hours in a dark room with my head between pillows but amazingly it resolved pretty quickly and by early evening I was back in family life again.  Thanks to G, who was so solicitous and tender and took over everything that day instead of our usual divide and conquer weekend technique. 

We ended the weekend with a family viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  We were checking to see if the kids knew what the Holy Grail was and when we reminded them, they said eagerly "See! It IS a Sunday movie!"    Good old Roger the Shrubber and Brave Sir Robin and your-father-smelt-of-elderberries.  And so another generation enters the Monty Python hilarity club.

I usually dread Mondays a bit but today I'm feeling recharged and ready for a new week: two days of classes, the kids home tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah, an interview at a big university here to teach a human development graduate course next semester (panic. breathe. panic. play big. just try. what am I doing? just push past your comfort zone), Young Women activities on Wednesday and Saturday, more stripping of wallpaper (I say the word wallpaper like Seinfeld said Newman. It's my nemesis),  and just good old life.  

For a little fun sprinkled in the week, I've decided to take Ali's challenge of photo-documenting it with shots of real life.  There's a week in the life flickr group here.  You can join in {do!} or just take a peek. {These photos above were taken this morning in the parking lot at Tufts before class.  Oh, my poor bitten fingernails.  They're the first thing I see when I look at these photos.}  

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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