Pieces of peace
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Anne in #best09, family, moment, small pleasures

1. Every Sunday, around 2:30.  Sunday nap. Weekly dose of peace and contented breathing, right there. *Sigh.* I feel peace just thinking about it. 

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2. In August we took a short hike in the Adirondacks.  After a bit, we came to a clearing and the happy sound of water.  There had been some bickering as we climbed but now the kids scrambled out across the shallow falls, exploring and delighting in our find.  G and I sat at the edge, in the sun, quiet.  It's the spot I first think of when I think of a moment of peace from the year.  For that moment, we were together, the water was cool on my feet, and there was peace there in the pause between climbing up and hiking out. (And the entire upstate NY trip was a pause before the chaos of the fall schedule began, too.) 

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Best of .09: Day 8: Moment of Peace. An hour or a day or a week of solitude. What was the quality of your breath? The state of your mind? How did you get there?  Join in the Best of 09 challenge here.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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