My Funny Valentines
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Anne in G, holiday, movies, music

Just a little clip of G and me, doing a little Valentine's Day dance in the rain...

Okay, actually it's Neve Campbell and Domingo Rubio in a beautiful dance scene from the movie The Company. I love this cello & piano arrangement of My Funny Valentine (it's a great soundtrack all around, actually) and it's one of my favorite dance scenes ever. So romantic and the rain makes it even more dreamy. {If I've posted this here before, just pretend I haven't.}

In reality, our Valentine's Day will be spent chaperoning a youth dance. Sigh. Maybe we'll try a few of the ballet moves to show those kids what's what. Now that would be a funny valentine (pa-dum-pum). Our anniversary is on Monday, though, so we'll just celebrate Valeversary then.

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photo via Ali Edwards

Other My Funny Valentine favorites:
Chet Baker
Miles Davis
Elvis Costello
Kronos Quartet (couldn't find links for the last two)

What songs would be on your Valentine's mix?

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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