For your reading pleasure...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Anne in cool sites, writing

Just passing along some favorite writing I've discovered lately around the internet. 

Oh, the delight of words well spent!

Hula Seventy's lovely written snapshot of her plane flight. Are you a stander or a sitter? {I can't seem to link to her post directly, so scroll down to "flight 749"}

Having had my share of "feedback opportunities" lately, I can so relate to Mental Tesserae's post on frescos, failures, and feedback.

I love Stephanie Kallos's writing (I'm reading her newest, Sing Them Home right now.  When I was starting Letters to a Parent, she was gracious enough to write a post in the midst of wrapping up the editing process for that novel.  Also, it was Stevie who inspired my How to Find Me post. See? I love her.) Her website includes several essays, including the lovely Things Dorie Taught Me, dedicated to her mother.

Finally, have you seen 1001 rules for my unborn son?  Clever and true, with rules both practical (don't use a chisel for anything but its intended purpose; and don't make a scene; and keep it short, lose the notes, and thank your dad) to life enhancing (jazz is for dancing; and be subtle, she sees you).  

* * *

Have a great weekend!
{I'm looking forward to going to see Two Men of Florence tonight}
{tomorrow we have a miraculously free Saturday! Local road trip, maybe?!)
photo via trio of love songs

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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