Hi, my name is Annie and I am a blog addict. It seems I just can't stop adding new ones.
After admiring so many others' I gave in and started a catalog of my favorite home-related photos, ideas, recipes, and quotes. It's really just a digital place for me to put all those things that I used to tear out of magazines + put into files + then forget. The tumblr platform doesn't even accept comments but feel free to visit if you'd like to see the clips. Or not. It's called
Gather. And it's all about hygge and you
know how
I like my hygge.
You're probably wondering "what's next? a blog documenting Annie's breathing patterns? a catalog of her grocery receipts? her ideas for sculpting with dryer lint?" and to that I say, Maybe. I don't rule these things out. (I really am considering one more: a child development-dedicated site. What? I can stop anytime I want. Really.)
* * * *
Meanwhile, I'm heading off to meet a lovely friend for lunch. {Actually
Chrissi was my sister's friend growing up (and Matt's, too)} We caught up with each other again when we lived near each other in DC a few years ago and now she and her family are in Connecticut at Yale for a year. She's an amazing photographer (see below); if you live in the area & are looking for someone to take some great photos, send her a note. And her husband's a psychiatrist in the military so--who knows?--maybe they'll be headed close to you next.
Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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