Oh, hello exercise!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Anne in M, music, running

Where have I been, you ask?

Oh, you know.  Around.  In bed, some mornings.  Or running here and there (but, no, admittedly not that kind of running.) There are several things that I re-learn. Again and again. And again.  And this is one of them: I am happier when I exercise.

Why do I forget how great it makes me feel? Why does languishing in bed start to rule over feeling energized and lightened and vervey?  (I relate to this New Balance ad "morning") Well, I'm back after a month or two of junky sloth. Feels good. Exercise + happy music=even better:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Meanwhile, where's Maddy in China?
Saturday she went to see the pandas at the Beijing Zoo, then the Spirit Way.
Sunday she went to the Temple of Heaven (how very Sabbathy) and the Hongquiao Market. Then the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the State Grand Theater in the afternoon & evening. Then they took the night sleeper train to Xi'an.
Today she went to the Han Yanling Tomb, then to a welcome lunch at the Sunshine School and met her host family (please say an extra prayer for her tonight...this is the part she was nervous about).  For the next few days, she'll attend middle school in Xi'an.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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