My life's a little bit broken lately.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Anne in life

photo via Design is Mine
Just a little, though.  

Just enough that I haven't had anything much to post.  Enough so I shrug my shoulders, wonder what's the point? (laundry, cleaning, school, writing...) and go lower my expectations (often in the form of returning to bed).

You know when you have a cupboard that won't quite line up or a leak that's not major enough to call someone to get it fixed?  That's the low level of brokenness of my life.  The warranty on my sanity maybe just expired.
All I know is, if I were a snake, I would want to wriggle out of my skin and start over, clean and new.

But I have a feeling maybe a three day weekend will also do the trick.
(Clap if you believe in the magic of weekends!  I do believe in weekends, I do, I do!)

[post script: I wrote this earlier in the week but never posted. Already things are looking up. A nice long weekend with the family does do wonders. Sometimes my moods are like the weather in England: wait a minute and it will change. Hope yours is doing wonders for you too.]

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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