This week with Sam in the town's recreation department day camp and Lauren away in New Hampshire at EFY (youth camp for church at a local college), it's Maddy's turn to be the honorary only child.
So, Maddy and I are celebrating Le Semaine de Madeleine (thank you, college French classes, for remaining in some recess of my brain so I know the word for "week"). Yesterday we got pedis, went to lunch (mmm...we found out our local cafe serves frozen hot chocolate like
Serendipity 3 does!), stocked up on supplies at the drug store, browsed teen magazines looking for a new haircut, and went to the dentist (also, grocery shopping. Well, it couldn't be all good).
I'm loving this chance to have each of my kids with me one-on-one for a few days.
Note to self: try to do this every summer rather than trying to book camps all on the same week. It's worth it.
Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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