Le semaine de Madeleine
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Anne in M, growing up, small pleasures

This week with Sam in the town's recreation department day camp and Lauren away in New Hampshire at EFY (youth camp for church at a local college), it's Maddy's turn to be the honorary only child.

So, Maddy and I are celebrating Le Semaine de Madeleine (thank you, college French classes, for remaining in some recess of my brain so I know the word for "week"). Yesterday we got pedis, went to lunch (mmm...we found out our local cafe serves frozen hot chocolate like Serendipity 3 does!), stocked up on supplies at the drug store, browsed teen magazines looking for a new haircut, and went to the dentist (also, grocery shopping. Well, it couldn't be all good).

I'm loving this chance to have each of my kids with me one-on-one for a few days.
Note to self: try to do this every summer rather than trying to book camps all on the same week. It's worth it.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (http://basic-joy.com/).
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