Adele and me, part 2
Saturday, February 26, 2011

I've been obsessing about Adele for a while. (If you are my Facebook friend, this will come as no surprise.)  I loved her first CD and after I went to her concert in 2009 I was really hooked. Her second cd came out on Tuesday. Whee! We've been playing it around here ever since.

Treat yourself to her amazing and emotional performance of Someone Like You at the British Music Awards a week or so ago. 

And, if your adoration is as devoted (crazy?) as mine, you'll appreciate the full, 45 minute clip of her Letterman concert this week, which highlights how fun she is in person:

Here's the thing: that's the voice that's supposed to come out of my mouth when I belt it. I must have slept in on the day they handed out those voices in heaven. Instead, I sing along with Miss Adele and delude myself.

p.s. Sadly, her concerts are either sold out or, here in Boston, on Sunday. Maybe I'll move to London and we can be besties instead.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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