As you wish
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Anne in being a mom/student, kids

This week is the kids' February break. I welcomed it with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I always love the opportunity to spend more time with my littles (though not so little anymore), especially with a more relaxed, no-homework stretch of time.

On the other hand, we've had roughly 763 snow days in January and gone through our down-time wishlist several times. Also. My school doesn't have February break so there's that delicate dance of being sufficiently available to both worlds, which really amounts to doing minimal school things (emailing with students, meeting with a few) for a week. When the two roles duel at sunset, the mom role always wins and I'm fine with that. 

Last night we headed to our local theater, which was hosting a nostagia movie night with The Princess Bride on the big screen. It was awesome, complete with a cheesy trivia contest and audience participation in joining in on lines (including as you wish, my name is Inigo Montoya, & inconceivable, of course). What a blast we had. Sam and Maddy got into the spirit of things by wearing home-crafted Inigo Montoya nametags. Watch out Rocky Horror Picture Show, there's a new(er) show in town.


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