Calm and merry and bright
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Anne in holiday, memories, this one's for the grandparents

Our first Aussie Christmas...'twas good!  All is calm, all is bright kept running through my head all day and that perfectly sums it up, with some merry thrown in. We reveled in the day, including:

family together (including second cousin Craig who's in Oz doing an internship and L home from uni, hooray!),

a great Christmas brunch (not pictured: G's aebleskivers and bacon),

thoughtful cards and gifts (this was a card Sam made for Maddy),

time to enjoy them,

good books and reading,

playing with our new toys,

an epic nerf battle (and pajamas all day),

and music,

lots of music (can you tell G loves his new acoustic bass?).

Sending all the best to you! I hope your day is joyful and hyggelig. I'm really grateful for the chance to connect with you through this simple blog, for the family and friends who check in on us here and for the new friends I've made over the years. And also for the therapeutic aspect of having an outlet to write plus the chance to document a few of the joys in our lives. Thanks for meeting me here now and then.

Well, today's Boxing Day here and we're off to see the Les Mis movie and then on a bit of a roadtrip adventure. More soon.

May your days be merry and bright!

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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