Five Fives
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Anne in I like making lists, miscellany


Five songs I most recently downloaded:

  1. Jerusalem, Choir of Westminster Abbey (because I watched the wedding + remembered how much I love that hymn)
  2. You Were Never There, Diego Garcia (not sure where I heard it)
  3. If You Don't Wanna Love Me, James Morrison (because it was on So You Think You Can Dance and I shazamed it)
  4. Gravity, Sara Bareilles (because Maddy loves it)
  5. Our Eyes, Teddy Geiger (because Lauren loves it; just ignore the cheesy video)

Five things we're having for dinner this week (can you tell that my meal motto is "easy peasy"?): 

  1. homemade pizzas, cooked on the grill, cantaloupe
  2. grilled chicken, spinach salad, orzo & shrimp salad
  3. sandwich bar & potato salad, fresh fruit
  4. pasta (red sauce and alfredo), fresh bread, green salad
  5. rotisserie chicken tacos, watermelon 

Five things on my To Do list today:

  1. laundry
  2. plan meals
  3. buy wedding gifts
  4. grocery store
  5. make reservations for L's family graduation dinner

Five things not on my To Do list that I've done anyway: 

  1. spend browsy time online 
  2. watch Larkrise to Candleford season 1 dvd while I fold laundry (and then some)
  3. have a good, deep heart-to-heart with one of my kids (best thing all day)
  4. worry a little for one of my kids who is sad
  5. update my ipod and look for new apps (please tell me your favorites) 

Five things I'm looking forward to: 

  1. Dinner with this lovely person tonight
  2. My parents' arrival this week
  3. Lauren's graduation in a week and a bit
  4. Seeing this with my sister in June
  5. Summer plans (although the kids don't get out until June 27th. I know, right?!)

How about you? Do share...

. . .

Image via Number of the Day

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