Friday Miscellany
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Today I love:

1. the celebration of giving away 1,000,000 shoes.  Don't you love the concept behind Tom's Shoes? For every pair of shoes purchased, they give away a pair to someone who needs one.  So inspiring! Plus I love their new Tom's wedges.  Such a simple & elegant way for a company to make a real difference. Hooray for a million shoes!

2.  this funny, heartbreaking post about how the Leaning Tower of Pisa broke a little girl's heart. Oh, that photo! I have felt that way before.


3. the idea of a Favorite Things party, just because. I see one in my future. What would you bring???


4. that my no-dairy, no-sugar thing is actually going swimmingly. So far, eight weeks later, no more headaches, no unhappy tummy, more energy, and a few lost pounds, probably noticeable only to me. Yeah, no cheese or ice cream either. But let's stay positive, shall we?


5. that this clip from Dumbo brought so many undergrad students to tears in class this week. We're talking about attachment & we showed this clip to demonstrate the proximity seeking and responsiveness & then talk about what emotions the clip evoked. It is so tender and the students are each a far-away Baby Mine of someone.


7. Finally (and risking emotional whiplash after that last clip) I leave you with the fabulous Paul Rudd. I love his uncurbed enthusiasm and abandon. "Hey, it's Friday night! You gotta bring your A game."  

Hope you all enjoy your A game.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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