Thursday, June 14, 2012
Anne in I like making lists
Things I seem to relearn over and over:
Be here now
Take pictures more often
Washing my hair is really a daily must...I always regret it when I talk myself out of it
Ditto making my bed, prayer, exercise, and writing something
Say yes when you can
Spinach smoothies in the morning make me feel extra sparkly
It's a good idea to doublecheck that the lid is on the blender
Enthusiasm trumps coolness. I cannot look at this picture of Maddy (~1998) without giggling out loud at her blatant, over-the-top, dress-up enthusiasm. Not to be outdone, girl knew how to sport a bandana and a row of elastics like nobody's business:
What have you relearned lately?
Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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