

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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Annie's bookshelf:

Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me. 

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Entries in G (50)


The evolution of the happy dance

Another installment of SPOF*...

Somewhere along the line...

between teasing in the high school halls

(where G was the senior big-brother-type protector and friend

to little old sophomore me),

meeting up during the summer while home from college 

(the musical-chairs summer we started out double dating but with other people as our dates

and ended up the summer happily together),

and this blessed event,

circa February 1990,

I acquired a signature happy dance

that springs forth when I'm happy and elated and excited about life.

It's a funny little giddy move, something like this:



I don't think so.

. . .

 Happy Valentine's Day!

May there be happy dances for everyone!

*sappy posts of February


Ein feste burg

Continuing with the sappy posts of February (SPOF):

When G and I were dating, he came to my grandparents' mountain cabin to meet the extended family. My grandpa built it decades ago and, as a confirmed europhile (especially Germany) one of the personal touches he created is a carved mantle with his favorite Luther quote: Ein feste burg ist unser Gott, or A Mighty Fortress is Our God.  When he heard that Greg speaks Danish, my grandpa asked if he could translate the phrase on the mantle.  Greg, sensing this was a litmus test for future inclusion in the family, took his time studying it, looked up and said,  "A Party City is Very Good?" It was very endearing. Apparently Danish and German languages don't play well together.

What I love about this: it's revealing of how willing G is to give things a try and to laugh and find humor in life. We laugh a lot. As my gr Grandma Elsie would say, let laughter save the day. He does.

 . . .

If this sounds familiar, it's because I referenced to it a couple of years ago. Also, if it sounds familiar I love you for still reading my blog after all this time.

Also: I've heard from several people that they are having difficulty leaving comments. Say it ain't so! I love your comments. Be sure to do the little spam-control code thingy and click "confirm post." Sorry for the lengthy process.


Like sand and snow

February makes me all mushy and sentimental. I apologize in advance about that. It's not just Valentine's Day but also our anniversary this month so I have ample occasions for my sentimentality. It's kind of a chicken-egg situation: am I mushy because this is our marriage month? Or did we choose February because of its romantic pull? (Actually, it's a funny story why we chose February, one I'll have to tell sometime when I'm not in parentheses.)

In light of above mentioned mushiness, I'm not just limiting my sentimental posts to one or two days this month. Oh, no. You will not escape that easily. Because, in the name of love, all you need is love, love lifts us up where we belong. Right? 

One of the things I especially appreciate about my relationship with G is our differences. I know it's no huge revelation that--thunder clap--men and women are different. You've got your Mars/Venus comparisons, your unique love languages, your husbands-as-pets philosophies. 

But, by far, my favorite analogy about the transformative power of these differences is within this short film about snow and sand by Kirsten Lepore (recently found via Swiss Miss):

I love you, G. Thanks for sharing you and making me better.

(And sorry for the dead mice I sometimes give in return.)


This 1-minute clip about making the film is awesome, too.


What's UP, Halloween style

{Recognize us? Ellie, Carl Frederickson, and Russell from UP}

also The Riddler (Jenny, we totally swiped this from you)

and a lovely gypsy who evaded all photos but this one

Lessons learned: 

  1. It's amazing what you can throw together with a last minute idea on a Saturday afternoon
  2. It's more fun when everyone joins in
  3. One of these years we should get ready early enough to take Halloween photos in natural light 
  4. You can find pretty much anything you need at the 5 and 10
  5. But you'll have to take four trips there in one day to get everything you need 
  6. We like to pose with our hands on our hips around here



How to have a perfectly lovely birthday

1. Get up in the morning and find a package on the table from G, an invitation to go out on Saturday on a surprise adventure.

2. After doing the early morning seminary run and getting the kids off to school, come back home and get back into bed. Don't mind the grey skies and rain, they are all part of the coziness.  Read for an hour and doze a little, too.

3. Give yourself the day off from doctoral writing commitments.  Only feel the twingiest of guilts about it. 

4. Install new curtains (finally! three years later!) in the front room and love them (pictures to follow).

5. Have a Very Facebook Birthday. Seriously, is there anything more gleeful than getting birthday wishes from people from all corners of your life? Elementary school, high school, college, family, Virginia friends, town friends, church friends, school friends, blog friends. I was feeling the love. Thank you, you lovely people.

6. Discover packages on the porch! And good mail!

7. Attend the 7th grade barbecue and dance. What are you gonna do? The most important social event of the year for your son's class is on your birthday. Enjoy sneaking peeks at the dance downstairs and socializing with the other parents. Get out of driving carpool for your older daughter when another parent hears it's your birthday. Sweet.

8. Take advantage of your Friday birthday by pushing the celebration into the weekend. 

9. Saturday night, go to eat with G in Boston at Beacon Hill Bistro. Have steak frites and a lemon tart. What?! It's your birthday! 

10. Attend the Speaking Clock Revue!  G hit the mark on this one and surprised me with tickets to this one-of-a-kind show. T Bone Burnett put together a fantastic night of music with one show in Boston (last Saturday) and one in NYC (this Wednesday) Oh. My. Goodness.  What a fun night and incredible music: Elvis Costello, Elton John, Neko Case, John Mellencamp, Punch Brothers, The Secret Sisters, Jeff Bridges, Karen Ellson and more. Such a cool, rip roaring evening.  If you're in NYC this week, try to get a ticket to this rare treat.


I'm so grateful for my life and the people in it.



This is The Song ~ Punch Brothers

also this one is fun

The One I Love is Gone ~ The Secret Sisters