Thankful things
Friday, November 19, 2010
Anne in gratitude, hygge

We are anxiously anticipating a fun time next week with out-of-town visitors and lots of hygge. I've been collecting some ideas and images to inspire our celebration.  Just thought I'd share a few...

 ^The I am thankful for chain template. We usually have a bunch of little slips of paper and a jar for everyone to note all the things they're thankful for. I think this year we'll graduate to these lovely graphics for our gratitude notes.

 Or these thankful cards downloads from Cathy Zielske (plus ideas for making into a mini album)


^I've been enjoying Leah's daily thank you notes at ThxThxThx--and the reminder that gratitude is not just for November.   

^ Fun ideas from the brilliant gals over at One Charming Party: paper bag turkey with popcorn inside, New World boat game (which technically should be Mayflower boats instead--not sure why they used the Columbus boats), and mini pumpkin pies. What fun!

I love The Pioneer Woman as much as the next gal but I want to tell you about my other go-to food site for Thanksgiving recipe and planning this year: Annie's Eats (not me, no relation). I love her cheerful approach; her posts include timeline planning, great ideas and step-by-steps for recipes. Totally worth subscribing. 

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It really is one of my favorite weeks of the year: all food, family, and gratitude.

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And now, off to the weekend! Hope you have a marvelous one.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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