The bounty
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Anne in adventures, show and tell

Brimfield was fantastic. We spent a lot of time browsing and exploring and only managed to see a fraction of the market.  It was pretty overwhelming for a gal like me (=can't make up her mind) but after keeping a little log of all the stuff we loved, the one thing (when G asked as we deliberated) that I knew I would regret not getting was this little unsigned oil painting:

I kind of love her in all her anonymous glory. We also got some old typesetting letters and an old spinning postcard rack and a hefty, nicely seasoned cast iron pan. Productive hunting/gathering with some money left over for soft pretzels and fruit smoothies. (Sorry, Andrea, no Footloose cassette. I think I may have my own in the basement, though, if you're interested. It got some serious playtime in 1985, let me tell you.)

I will confess, though, that I am the world's sorriest haggler.  Is it the amount I suggest? the way I say it? my nervousness? my rookie status stamped on my forehead? I need lessons. 

Speaking of lessons, here's what I learned, should you be interested: 

  1. wear comfortable shoes
  2. bring a wagon or a cart or (what we did) at least some canvas shopping bags
  3. bring cash, some of the vendors take checks but all prefer cash
  4. don't pay asking price (so they say. I brought one guy down about 10% and another one less than that. Pathetic?)
  5. be willing to walk away
  6. keep a little notebook of the things you like & the booth number/location & maybe even take a photo with your phone. Don't buy the first time around, you might find it cheaper or better elsewhere (except if it's a one-of-a-kind that you absolutely adore--then by all means, go for it.)
  7. go early (we didn't but saw some great items with "sold" tags)
  8. go! it's really fun
  9. what I missing, all you brimfield veterans?

. . .

 Listen: Regina Spektor ~ Folding Chair

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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