Traveling light(er)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Anne in M, audience participation, being a mom/student, tips, travel

I'm excited to be heading to Washington, DC today for my Zero to Three scientific and fellowship meetings. And--lucky me!--Miss Maddy is there on her 8th grade trip this week, too. It will be fun to keep my eye out for her while we're both there--my own little Where's Waldo game. If only Maddy were wearing a red-and-white striped shirt and hat. I guess I'll just have to look for a blob of 14-year-olds with wicked cool accents.

Last week I hauled my grand-scale suitcase all around Utah. (And paid to check it on the plane. Urgh...I strongly dislike that. Yet another reason for train travel). In my defense...I have no defense.  I overpacked and filled it with books and extras on the way home. Anyhow, this trip I'm all about carry-on luggage, no fees, and streamlined packing choices.

Inspired by this Mighty Girl post (so impressive!) I took a little trip to the Container Store for see-through pouches and itty bitty plastic bottles for my liquids. (I'm so impressionable, remember?) 

So now, a little obsessed, I'm trolling for travel tips. When you pack a suitcase, do you have a thing you do? Do you fold or roll the clothes? Check or carry on? Enlighten me.

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
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