

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
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former batgirl,
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and American
living in Australia.

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Now where was I?.......

I'm back from a small blog vacation, brought about by a combination of busy lifeness and a case of the April blahs. In every other place I've lived, April is a sunny glimmer of spring--the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC, the greengreen parks of London, the pops of blossoms and daffodils in Utah.

But not New England.

Oh, no, Boston is a mite too reserved to blow its spring enthusiasm too early. And somehow I forget it EVERY YEAR and get all down and pouty around the first part of April. I take Boston's overlooking of the spring calendar PERSONALLY. So we're still all bare branches and grey skies and lonely little sad patches of dirty snow. Very late Novembery. Soon, I tell myself. Soon!

In the meantime, I am enjoying sights of spring on blogs, living vicariously until I get my own spring. I love the sight of brave blossoms standing up to the last blast of snow, of flamboyant dahlias in Australia, green grass, sun-and-daffodil-filled easter egg hunts, and blue-sky balloon photo shoots. A girl can dream!

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Reader Comments (4)

I think you summed it up so perfectly. I would get downright ANGRY every April. You think it should be spring, the calendar says spring, everyone in the free world has spring - except New England. Soon, my friend, you will have your three days of spring, another freak snow storm, and then 90-degree weather. Ah, New England...

04.11.2007 | Unregistered CommenterStie

we had a great week of spring, but we are having winter again. Also not my favorite thing. But I can't complain about Aprils in Utah, they are usu. pretty nice. I was thinking of you when they said there was a big winter storm over the weekend. The lilacs will be out soon, don't lose hope. :)

04.11.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

feel not fell. Maybe I need to go back to school with you, yes?

04.13.2007 | Unregistered Commenterdecor8

I know how you fell. I sit here in southern New Hampshire, 35F, snow falling, and it's April 12th. I only like New England from May-October and that's it. So I'm going to feel great in just a few weeks. Until then, it's time to just sit back and feel really sorry for ourselves. he he


04.13.2007 | Unregistered Commenterdecor8

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