

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Everyday life: Tuesday/Wednesday edition

I'm enjoying the chance to look around and capture everyday moments this week.  Even if it's boring for everyone else, it will be nice to have it recorded for posterity :).  Clockwise from top left: Sam reading~ Louie enjoying his daily peanut butter treat~Young Women campfire last night~ toast and cocoa breakfast on a cold rainy morning~waiting for Sam outside of his piano lessons (with my ipod and library books)~stop sign I drive past every day~our neighborhood library~driving home from Cambridge~dinner prep: Lauren and Maddy setting table~and (center) the usual backpack and shoes drop-off spot (though this is just Sam's contribution so, imagine if you will, this times 3).

This week has kind of been a rollercoaster.  For you, too?  Even though I keep telling him not to, G keeps checking our 401K balance sheet and phones me from work with the grim updates. It makes me sad. And frustrated. Then my interview went great and they offered me the teaching job. So I will be teaching a human development class at Boston University next semester.  Wahoo!  Then I got an email the next morning that, due to the economy, BU has instituted a hiring freeze.  Boo. I'm waiting to see if that affects my plans. Que sera, sera, right? At the same time, we are really excited about a Christmas trip we are planning in lieu of giving each other presents.  I love looking forward to a trip.  We have already bought our tickets but the economy rollercoaster takes a little of shine off of the travel anticipation. Then, at the end of the day when everyone's home and we're all together and just reading on the couch or having dinner, I feel better.  We're healthy, we're relatively happy, we try hard. 

See what I mean? Roller coaster. 

So every time I go through the intersection right by our house, I see the stop sign in the picture above and smile.  Usually I'm not a big fan of graffiti but this one cheers me up.  What kind of graffitti-er paints encouraging messages?  An out-of-work Hallmark card writer?  A rogue life coach gone off the deep end? Don't stop believing (or b-levn), guys! 

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Reader Comments (16)

I love that stop sign - hilarious! I would hope that nobody ever decides to clean it. It's priceless!

I hear ya about the 401k. My hubby does the same thing. So now when he calls I just say ok dear, how many thousand is it down today? lol!!

I also like the slice of life photos you took. Hmmm I should do that one day.

10.2.2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoanna

I am getting the regular "our retirement is worth a whole lot less than yesterday" phone calls too -- my response "good thing we aren't retiring today, now knock it off!"

I love trips instead of gifts, what a wonderful adventure.

Good luck with the job -- it's fantastic they wanted you regardless of how it pans out.

10.2.2008 | Unregistered CommenterKenny and Linsey

after that, how could I ever stop b-levn? sort of like 'the sun will come out tomorrow' with a bit more hip attitude! love the picts

10.2.2008 | Unregistered Commenterallysha

congrats on the job. i'll forgive you for going to the dark side... i come from BC alum stock, so the BU thing is a little touchy. but you will do great and i'm excited for you!

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

comment number two:

the hiring freeze is because i called and told them you secretly wanted to be working at BC. they don't appreciate disloyal faculty. try applying across town.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

That stop sign would cheer me up every day too.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

love the little insights and my big question . . . where are you going for Christmas?!

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

I enjoyed your pictures of everyday life. Congratulations on your new job, I hope it works out. Where are you going on your Christmas trip? What a great idea instead of gifts. Our economy is similar to yours at the moment. The housing market has ground to a halt and I know quite a few people who have lost their jobs. Lets just hope things improve and as you said be happy and healthy.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay-ann

That stop sign is so funny. Glad you got a picture. Congrats on the job! About the 401K, we just don't look. Why look if you aren't retiring soon? I figure we have 30 more years of work. Certainly in the next 30 years the stock market will improve. Why worry now? And, where is the big family trip??

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

love your daily life posts-- 'cause everyday life IS the good stuff.

Congrats on the job. That is fabulous!

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Great 'everyday' pictures.
I want to know where you're heading for Christmas, too!

Congrats on the job, no matter what. I am in awe of your accomplishments.

Cheers :)

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

Congratulations on the job...that's awesome.

The stop sign by my house said, "STOP-Hammertime" for a week. I thought it was hilarious.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterqueenieweenie

I love your photos. Beautiful, for just everyday stuff. And I am SICK about our 401K. I don't even want to do. I am just planning on having to start from scratch.

Congrats on the job (hopefully!). Where to for your Christmas trip?

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

oh i love your posts. have i mentioned that yet? love the graffiti! love that you have a trip planned. how fun.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterdayna

annie, i read this post late last night and woke up this morning thinking, "annie got a job at BU!" that means that for all the second-guessing and wishing for something terrific to happen for your professional life, something terrific has happened. i was thinking about all the studying and hard work and juggling that it's taken for you to reach this point, and i think it's marvelous. well done! can't wait to hear more about this.

10.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterTherese

This post made me happy. I too am up and down and round and round but I keep BLEVN!

10.3.2008 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

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