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« It's a boy's {pretty great} life | Main | 08.08.08 »

Oh dear

This week we've spent our days on the beach of Bear Lake with Greg's family.  We bring food and drinks and chairs and a shade-giving fold-up gazebo thing, taking turns going skiing/riding/tubing on the boats.  The only thing missing is a bathroom.

Which is not strictly true, since there are three portapotties up next to the road.  But everyone does their darndest to avoid having to use them. Some people even take strategic wades out to waist deep water.  I'm not judging, just stating facts.

This morning Maddy had occasion to use the plastic green structures.  She trudged the 200 yards with her younger cousin, did what she needed to, then raced back to the beach just in time to catch the next boat for tubing.
Later, on the boat, she commented "Wow.  Those portapotties were really dirty and gross.  And the soap was all dried up."

It took me two seconds to realize what she was talking about.

"Maddy, that wasn't soap!"  {All of the adults try not to meet gazes and not burst out laughing.}

"What was it then?"

"Honey, it was the cake of sanitizer they put in the urinals.  Um, did you touch it?"


She was mortified. {Do you think the fact that it's sanitizer cancels out the grossness of where it was or what has been sprayed on it?  I didn't think so.}

There's so much to teach your child to get ready to live in the world!  Telling time and wearing seatbelts and eating a balanced diet and building campfires and flossing. So, turns out I guess I forgot to tell my 12-year-old daughter about the urinal cakes.  I share this so you can spread the word and Maddy's mortification will not have been in vain.

But the uncles thought it was hilarious.

cousin Isaac and Lauren on the tubes

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Reader Comments (10)

That is really funny. Mortification and all aside.

But why would you think to teach her about urinal cakes? It's not like they're used in women's restrooms. I'd pass the blame to the husband, the slacker.

08.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

Please tell Maddy the following story:

One year when I was a leader at camp they were fixing the bathrooms and we had to use biffy's. Yuck. I was standing in line waiting my turn and one of the girls came out with a toothbrush. She said, "It's so cool that they have a place you can put your toothbrush in there."

They didn't. It was a urinal, of course. It was the last day and I didn't tell her the truth. I figured what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

I'll be doing an FHE on this subject soon.

08.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterCelia Fae

Oh poor Maddy. That is so yucky. At least she'll never make that mistake again. Someday she can tell that story on her own blog and pass along the wisdom.

08.15.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

i just finished calling celia an idiot for not knowing about BOB.
and now, here i am.
i have no earthly idea what a urinal cake is. and frankly, the term in and of itself is so overwhelmingly repulsive, that i'd almost rather not know.
i concede idiot status.

08.15.2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

Ha ha ha! Poor Maddy.

One time at church (yes, in Boston, I'm ashamed to say) Chase did a number two in what he thought was the toilet.

You can guess where this is going.

And yes, I cleaned it up. DISGUSTING.

08.16.2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

Tell Maddy it's ok! At the local pool, my grandmother made her kids (my dad) rinse off before they got in the pool. Unfortunately, it was in the urinal. I choose not to tell my kids about such things because I want them to have funny and mortifying stories to tell their kids some day.

08.16.2008 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

OH Maddy, you didn't... Hey, did I ever tell you about when I dropped my cell in the public restroom of Papa Johns in downtown Honolulu. I freaked, pulled it out, and couldn't think of how to get the water out of the holes so i sucked it out. I was told by a nurse to DRINK Lysterine. Miss you!

08.16.2008 | Unregistered Commentermicah and nic

We've been dying, dying over Maddy's urinal story at our house. I promise we won't mention it if we get to meet her.

08.17.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Oh my goodness. That is simultaneously so gross and funny. Tell Maddy thanks for being a good sport about it!

08.17.2008 | Unregistered Commentergab

We are with Maddy on this one. We had never heard of or seen urinal cakes either. Not sure if we have them over here. Will have to find out!

Thanks for educating us.

Lindsay & Jessica

08.18.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay-ann

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