Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
Reader Comments (4)
Ooh, thanks for pulling those videos together in one place. I sat and watched this with my boys and yes, I cried. I know all too well about hamstring pain.
Your lucky boy! What a fab birthday!
That IS exactly what the Olympics are about, in my book. Pushing yourself to succeed, but also being proud for just finishing. Gives me chills.
I was showing this to my son and OF COURSE (because the Olympics always make me cry) began bawling as I explained it to him.
Thanks for the moment. Love those games.
I've never seen that. That really is heart breaking and yet so beautiful all at once. (That's family home evening material right there!!!!)
Thank you for sharing!