

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Car talk

Best place .09  |  the front seat of my car, 6:45 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. weekdays

It's not that we don't love each other.  Or that I don't get what it's like to be a 16-year-old girl or the oldest daughter in the family.  But sometimes Lauren and I clash, caught in a pattern of misunderstanding and frustration. Sometimes I lecture for so long, even I get tired of the sound of my voice.  And, yep, sometimes she gets a look in her eye and set to her jaw that tells me she's just not listening.

Every morning I drive her from her before-school religious education class (seminary) to her school, a drive that takes about 35 minutes.  As we watch the sun rise and the morning mist lift, we talk.  I hear about who likes who, fire drills, friendship dynamics, styles, rumors, her dreams, her crushes, her fears. We share music and opinions.  Car rides have become our DeMilitarized Zone.

The best place of 2009 is the front seat of my car, every morning of the school week.  Before long she'll have her license and be self propelled but for now I'm milking those morning moments for all they've got.

. . .

Day 11 of the Best of 09 challenge.  What was your best place in 09?

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Reader Comments (3)

What a blessing, those car rides!
My daughter is only one and a half, I could not even start to imagine what it would be like when she is older. I do know that place from when I was the daughther. Life is interesting.
Thanks for sharing this.

12.12.2009 | Unregistered Commentermamaayanna

I need a demilitarized zone already with the girl in my life. I think she and I will be much like you and L. So alike that we butt heads against each other. I like that this was your best place of '09. You're a good mama.

12.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

That is a great place for sure!

12.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

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