Being carded
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Anne in cool sites, creativity, holiday

Confession: I love Christmas cards. Love creating them (here's a parade of past years),  writing them, love finding them in mailbox, reading them and, yes, love mocking them at times when they get out of hand in the braggery or too-much-information department.

I loved this Apron Stage post yesterday about Christmas cards (and the comments)--so funny and true.

I love this article in Smithsonian magazine feature, exhibiting artists' Christmas cards over the years. Lots of great ideas and creativity there.:


The ideal holiday card for me: a little funny, a little original, something that captures the family's spirit and gives a little news.  Pictures, please, preferably of the whole family.  (Come to think of it, it's what I like in a blog as well.)

What are your holiday card guidelines/pet peeves/preferences?

p.s How do you display your holiday cards?

Article originally appeared on Basic Joy (
See website for complete article licensing information.