

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
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former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Deck of cards

Let the card season begin!  
Don't you love this time of year, 
when the mailbox actually yields Good Mail?!  
(We got our first one in the mail yesterday.  Overachievers!)

My holiday card rules for us: 
capture the real us, 
make it simple,  
have a bit of oomph/uniqueness.

I just came across a cache of our old cards.
It's magic--->
Watch us age before your very eyes...



This is one of my favorites because I look good in the picture
(I was at my skinniest post-motherhood weight then)
missing in action
where are these cards?
purchased card frame
and timer-camera photo in the cold
(sometimes just getting out a card is enough, right?)
What I remember about this one is some friends thought 
that was our house and rock wall.
No.  That would be the Old North Bridge and the Old Manse.
Thanks for thinking that though!
This time we included a cheesy amusement park photo
from our trip to Denmark
It still makes me laugh.
Not pictured: update letter about our doings

Purchased photo card, printed letter (not shown).
That year we found a format we liked, using four things
(best thing, first time, favorite things, famous quote)
for each of us.
One of my favorites:

2006 was inspired by a fun wedding announcement 
we received that year
(Thanks Nathan and Sarah Jane)
It was a little packet of 4 pieces:
the red cover
the black and white photo
the update letter
the paper band holding them together
The picture was taken at Niagara Falls
and I took one for the team since it was not
a flattering picture of me AT ALL.
easiest ever:

I was so late doing these that the paper store
was out of red and green paper.
One long strip of paper
with photobooth photo on front
(scanned and printed on photo paper)
and a little message on the back.
Not even an update
(and the first time I decided to refer people to my blog).


By the way, I'm trying to figure out this year's card.
Do you have any hints?
I tag all of you to do a post of past cards.
(HA! You weren't expecting that, were you?)
Then send me the link,
and I'll publish all the links here.
Pretty please?
I really need some inspiration this year.

And also, how do you display the cards you receive?

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Reader Comments (12)

Fun post.

My cards are totally boring.

11.30.2008 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

Great cards Annie. I laughed at the theme park one from Denmark. You do all look to be having fun. We have a similar one from Legoland Windsor but our faces show looks of utter horror!!
Wonderful idea to do cards like that. We have never done one before but there's a first time for everything!
Best Wishes

11.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay-ann

YOu do VERY cool cards although I am not at all surprised. I love the photo booth pics. I may have to steal that idea.

11.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

You know what makes me happy? That I received five of the seven cards you posted. That means I've known you that long!

I am TOTALLY going to play along. Give me a few days to get my house in order and dig out the old ones. LOVE the idea.

12.1.2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I like the photo booth christmas card the best. I may even borrow the poem on the back for our family this year.

Love the cards! 2005 is a very nice picture. We tape our cards onto the banister of the front staircase and the coat closet door.

12.3.2008 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

so fun to see. and, this has to be my favorite "tag" ever because i literally have never sent out christmas cards. (bad bad dayna, i know)

12.3.2008 | Unregistered Commenterdayna

Oh, Annie! Nothing makes me happier than Christmas cards. Getting them, sending them. Why didn't I do like you and save them over the years?!!!

12.5.2008 | Unregistered Commentergab

Your cards are fabulous...I esp. love the 2006 letter!

12.9.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarla

Such a great idea! We didn't always do a family picture for our Christmas card... Sometimes we did a printed out newsletter with LOTS of pix.. But, I DO have some Choice Santa Photos... I think those will be going up soon! :)

12.10.2008 | Unregistered CommenterLindsey

I found you via Christie. Love this idea. I posted our Christmas cards http://ourdailybigtop.blogspot.com/2008/12/christmas-past.html" REL="nofollow" TITLE="xmas past">here. Thanks for the fun trip down memory lane.

12.21.2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

I display the cards we receive by hanging them over our track lighting lines in our kitchen. I love looking at them all day since we spend a lot of our time in there and it give the room a different feel. If you get postcards, you have to use a little tape. I like receiving a good mix of old-fashioned and some like yours (which didn't come this year btw). It was perfect to spend a little time reading about you this morning as I start the new year lazily watching my children play monopoly as I browse through email. Laura

01.2.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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