

Hi, I'm Annie.

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former batgirl,
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and American
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Slivers of spring break (or: Moms need a spring break, too)

This week I have really needed to get some things done.  But the whiny eternal student in me complained "but it's my spring breaaaaaaak!"  So I caved a little and let the squeaky wheel get a little grease in the form of some tiny slivers of spring breakness.

On Monday I went back to bed after the kids left for school.  I figured that I needed it, with the time change and all.  And plus?  It's my spring break!  Afterwards, I got all responsible and checked items off my list. 
spring break sliver: 1 hour

Another day,  after a semi-productive morning on the computer, I watched Under the Greenwood Tree on dvd in the early afternoon before the kids came home. {Loved it.}  Plus.  I met Ellen for pizza--a twofer day!
spring break sliver: 1.5 hours + 3 hours

Yesterday I read for fun in the middle of the day, a wonderfully lovely Rosamund Pilcher novel.  In the bathtub.  I always think of my mom when I read in the bathtub, since most of her novels are water stained at the bottom few centimeters from their trips to the bath.  Any small way I can be a teeny bit more like my mom is a good thing.  I embraced it.
spring break sliver: 30 minutes

You get the idea.  Somehow I found ways to be a little indulgent because the calendar said it was my spring break.  Those six little hours (thus far) have made a huge difference in my outlook!  Maybe I should declare every week spring break from here on out.

* * * 

Which got me thinking.

The educational system figured out long ago that there was great value in taking a week off, midway through the semester, to clear the brain and recharge the dedication + motivation for learning.

I think the same reasoning (but more so) applies to moms, stay-at-home or not, with kids of any age.  What job is more demanding, 24/7? So why not take a break to clear your brain and recharge your dedication + motivation?

For most women I know, the biggest barrier to taking a break is simply giving yourself permission to do it.  So here I am, begging you & giving you permission----->

Take a spring break!!!

I'm not talking about ditching the family and going off to Acapulco to star in a Momz Gone Wild video.  I'm talking small slivers where you give yourself permission to treat yourself.  Pick a week (NOT your kids' spring break, when you are engineering their week of fun) and do it. Write it on your calendar.  
Plan some fun. 
Small slivers of spring breakness. 
(Or big ones.)

If you leave your address here in the comments (or email it to me) telling me when you are taking your mom spring break, I will send you your choice: a spring break postcard from my little corner of the world or a spring break permission note to prove to your family that you are indeed on spring break.

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Reader Comments (12)

good for you!

I think the most important part of anyone's "slivers" is that they make a mental note and be aware--*live* in that moment, and for whatever that fraction of time may be, acknowledge that you are being good to yourself--and know you deserved it.

happy sliver-ing for the rest of the week.

03.13.2009 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

Please, please tell me that there is really NO such thing!...Momz Gone Wild video????

03.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarla

No, I made that up. Of course there really *might* be one but I'd rather not go look it up :)

03.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

My family thinks that every day of my life is my own personal spring break, so I'll be needing that permission slip. Send it the week after next. See, next week my kids are off for their spring break. I think I'll need mine after they go back.

LOVE this idea. Love it. Reinforces why you are my favorite person. I credit you with my daytime movies alone thing.

03.13.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

Slivers? Slivers are tiny. I like to take tree trunk breaks. Enjoy your time off! A book in the tub does sound good right now!

03.13.2009 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

I think spring break different form my kids would be LOVELY - we are all on spring break together (I teach in the same school district as my kids) and we are going to your neck of the woods (MA) to visit my family - hopefully I will get a few minutes during the week to visit with some friends w/o the kids (they can have grandparents time!)

03.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

i will confess that after i quit teaching full-time, i subscribed to this philosophy whole-heartedly. i still feel a little guilty when i take my slivers, hopefully that feeling will pass with more time.

so to celebrate my committment to this lifestyle, will you please send me some dunkin donuts munchkins. jelly filled and chocolate cake.

great post. love the umbrella tree!!

I needed to read this yesterday when I was feeling guilty about taking a ski day for myself. In the middle of the week when my kids were out of school and I spent the 4 other days in nursing school. I needed a note...It was a great day of skiing and I'm still trying not to feel selfish...

03.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Glad you are enjoying your spring break Annie. Sounds great to me. I wish I could join you. We only have 3 weeks to go to our Florida holiday. We are getting excited.
Have a great weekend.

03.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay-ann

I had a manicure and pedicure at home this week. I have been told I can no longer drive. I found someone to come here and it was lovely!

03.14.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

ooh, I'm sitting down to read "Georgiana" right now-- thanks for the permission slip. And tomorrow afternoon, a long awaited lunch with friends!

03.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

What a terrific idea! I'm going to schedule it soon!

03.16.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChiska

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