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Bunking Postscript

p.s. Also, I love built-in beds.  Here are some fine ones that have my scheming mind whirring:
And the ever cozy Carl Larsson's home:

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Reader Comments (6)

I'm all for sharing bedrooms although none of my kids currently share. They have in the past but having a girl in between two boys makes it difficult now. I love the idea of built in beds with curtains or doors-gives everyone a bit of privacy. What do the kids think or are you just going to surprise them one day?

04.7.2009 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

I LOVE the bunks with the curtains-that might come in hand for providing a "little" privacy. I know a family whose three boys shared a room and they loved it. My boys share and my girls have their own (they are too far apart in age to share-different bedtimes, seminary, etc).

I say go for it!

04.7.2009 | Unregistered Commenterqueenieweenie

Love those! Makes me want to be a kid again.

04.7.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

Llllllllove Carl Larsson!

I bunked with Josh when we were little. Also shared three in a room with two of my sisters (hated it) and, for an unforgettable year, shared with the baby--Marta. We snuggle to this day. Would love to watch your progress...

04.8.2009 | Unregistered Commentergab

I loved sharing with my sister we have so many funny memories. Somehow I have forgotten, but we probably fought. In fact, I'm certain we did because I remember taping the room in half at one point. I tried to find a picture for you to post of the four grandparents in bed together on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That is the ultimate room sharing.

04.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChrissi

okay I totally love built in beds too and have seen some of those exact images before. in fact I was at Ikea last weekend buying odda beds which I matched perfectly with cabinets to stash underneatht to create the cove like effect- I want built ins but until i know which beds are in which rooms permanently I am confined to temporary solutions- but oh i love them and so do my kids!

04.18.2009 | Unregistered Commentersmart mama

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