

Hi, I'm Annie.

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I never...

Have you ever played that ice-breaker game?  

Where you say "I never....{whatever, but it needs to be true}" and you get points if you're the only one who never did that particular thing.

Come closer. 
Here's mine:

I never read the Harry Potters.

I did read the first one aloud to Maddy and Sam but after that they sped through them on their own. And I never got around to reading the rest of them myself.

I know, a travesty in some households! I kind of wanted to relish them on my own time.  And to be honest, sometimes I kind of resist doing something that everyone is doing. It's my little secret snobbish--and silly--protest. 

Well the time has come, my friends.  Summer reading time. I'm on Book Three (Sam is so happy for me, it's very sweet). Go Harry and Ron. 

p.s. what's with the much cooler covers on the British versions?

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Reader Comments (12)

What the H? That IS blasphemy at our house. :)
(Although I totally get that secret-resistance-snobbery, I do. I held out {ignoring loud protesting and outcry from my family} on reading them until book 5 came out {which was my least favorite book by the way...} but then I finally caved and became a fan. I have to say, I'm happy for you too. I hope your expectations haven't been ballooned beyond all enjoyment.)

And the British versions kind of ARE cooler. Different vocab and such = *brilliant*
I don't understand why they Americanized them anyway = *mental*

Happy reading!

05.27.2009 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

I read one but have zero recollection of what I read. Pathetic I know. I'm not a H.P. fan. Or Twilight for that matter. :)

05.27.2009 | Unregistered Commenterellen

I too have only read the first one aloud. Not interested. Twilight, haven't read it and I don't really want to. I'm just not that into fantasy.

05.27.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

I do that all the time. If it is popular, count me out. I started the Harry Potters before the first movie, so of course, I had to read them all (they are great). I didn't read Work and the Glory until a couple of years ago. I was glad when I finally did. But their popularity kept me out of the game for years.

Now Twilight!? Don't even get me started. I enjoyed the 1st LONG before anyone else had heard of it. Before the 2nd book had come out. I liked it, but not enough to read any more. Now that they are so popular, that just cements it for me. Its main demographic is the People magazine reading crowd and I just have to pull the snob card on that one.

In other words, I so get you.

05.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterRochelleht

HAPPY!!! reading!
That's ALL. I have to say.

05.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

yeah, why put the cool covers on the american books? they're just the ones making her a multi-millionaire.

i always thought "i never" was a drinking game. seriously, you are the first person i've ever met who introduced it in the sobriety format.

I am fond of the american covers, I must admit, but the British ones are very cool.

Hooray for Harry. Last summer when I was sick I read them all, and the last one twice. (I had read them all before that).

My, I am so fond of those books. It's unnatural. {!}

05.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAllysha

Oops, you have to choose a different "I never" cause I'm playing this game and I've never read the HP series.

I've never played a drinking game. I guess that knocks WrathofKhandrea out of the game too.

05.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

I know exactly what you mean. I never would have read these if not for my Jake. I'm always suspicious when too many people like something!

05.27.2009 | Unregistered Commentergab

I'm with Gabi, if the masses read it, I don't. Although I did WASTE umpteen hours reading the Twilight series, which, by the way, I hated.

05.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenibelle

Way to hold out for years, my friend. I'm hugely impressed. Now get started on the Lightning Thief ones already. I liked them better than the Potters.

05.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I'm totally with you on holding out on whatever the rage is. I've only read the first two Potters and don't know if I'll finish the series someday or not. Let us know your verdict.

05.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterHolly

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