Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
I changed my mind on this post. Does that ever happen to you?It happens a lot to wishy-washy people like me.Sorry.
Reader Comments (7)
I love this! Do they know you are blogging about this? Don't get busted. Are mandles man sandles? Too funny! It was so great seeing you at the game. You've got eagle eyes to spot me like that or it was probably my crazy dancing when Papi hit his Homerun. I go a little nuts when he does that.
i haven't been 'blogging' for what seems like forever--and after catching up on your posts i feel uplifted and filled. thanks for that! i feel like all that you are going through with your children is just around the corner for me, even though my first is just starting kindergarten next month. thanks for sharing and being so genuine and real, to me anyway! :)
I have the first note I wrote to a friend after meeting Greg. It's three pages of back and forth at church. ;-) It's great.
What are Mandles? I'm lame.
I have the first note I wrote to a friend after meeting Greg. It's three pages of back and forth at church. ;-) It's great.
What are Mandles? I'm lame.
I have to agree, mandals could be a deal breaker.
I had to look up mandles in the Urban Dictionary. Are you embarrassed for me? I'll be sure to let my boys know how hazardous it may be to wear those in public (though they are incredibly useful for combating stinky feet).
Me too! I was surprised she had heard of them and had an opinion. Especially since all the boys and men in this family have them, too :)