

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Crikey: A year with two springs

We have some pretty crazy news. It's part of why I've been so radio silent around here; mum was the word and it is nigh to impossible for me to keep these kinds of things to myself. 

We are stunned/anxious/giddy to announce that we are moving to Australia! G has the opportunity to head up legal there for his company and it's just too tempting an adventure for us to turn down*. We'll live in the capital, Canberra, a small city about 3 hours south of Sydney and are signing the final papers this week (so, truth in advertising, it's more like a 98% chance at this point but I can't hold back any longer).  

We definitely have mixed feelings about leaving our good life here: people, neighborhood, & schools we know and love dearly. It feels a bit like we're playing Let's Make a Deal and we have a lovely, known option of our current life revealed by Door #1 and a mysterious, unknown option behind door #2. We say "Chuck, we'll take our chances with Door #2!" and the audience kind of gasps. Time will tell.

At the moment we're mostly focusing on the good parts of this change: Hosting visitors who will have to tarry a good long while after traveling all that way. Having two springs this year. Exploring a part of the world we've not seen. Warm, sunny Christmases. Possible Aussie twangs in our speech. Saying "shrimp on the barbie" and "crikey" and "g'day mates." Taking up surfing (a bit of a stretch, since we're an hour inland).  No US presidential election commercials on tv. Oh, and two words: Hugh Jackman.

As you can imagine, our heads are spinning a bit at this point. My lists keep multiplying and having lists of their own. This is what we've figured out so far: G will head there in early June and we'll join him by September. He'll come home in between to help with the move and we'll visit family&friends in the west. Or such is the ideal plan at this point, subject to the tinkerings and hammerings life is sure to contribute to it. 

More soon, mates.

. . .

*You might remember that we thought we might go a few years ago. This time 'round they approached G about it and the process moved (mercifully) quite quickly in the last few weeks. 

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Reader Comments (15)

Glad the news is OUT. It has been difficult to keep it under our hats, and from spilling out of our mouths at unguarded moments. So at this point, we wish you good luck in the preps and the anticipations, the packing and the good-byes. I am at turns elated and gaspingly stunned. But mostly, we are thrilled for you all. These adventures are what is most rich in life, and unforgettable, and individually ife-changing. Luckily, you are the same grand people you have always been, and now you will only make more great friends and spread your wonderful-ness around on the southern hemisphere. We can't help but be happy for those you are going to meet in that land down under. Two more words. Simon Baker. Although I think he is here in the States much of the time. Still, possible Jackman/Baker sightings are fun to anticipate. Sending love and goosebumps.

05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn


good on ya, mate!


hmmm... not so interested in entertaining offers of employment in Boston now that come our way every so often...

I keep asking B if there are any awesome work abroad opportunities with JH.

05.2.2012 | Unregistered Commentersevensmiles


Oh, my friend. That sounds so fabulously wonderful. I am at once jealous and scared for you. How exciting. How long do you think you'll be down there?

Oh, you know I'm totally coming to visit, right? Find a house with a suite for your friend Stie! I'll have to hunt down my boyfriend Hugh. Let him know I'll be coming. :-)


05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

HOORAY for adventure!!

This is all just so lovely and exciting!!

05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

That's totally freaky and crazy wild. Greg and I were planning a trip to Maine this fall and thinking we'd go by way of Boston and stop to have dinner with you all, but I guess our route won't take us by way of Australia now...

That is so crazy. Is it temporary or forever? How do the kids feel? Wow. How wild is that.

I swear, every time I turn around, someone on a blog is living abroad. So cool. Ah well, I guess our summers in exotic Logan will have to suffice.

05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterRochelle

So exciting and exotic. Good luck!

The neighbors we share a back yard with moved to Australia a few years ago and have been leasing their house. It was only supposed to be for 2 years...it is going on 3 now:)

05.2.2012 | Unregistered Commentermartha

I hope we can meet up for pizza at least one more time before you move down under.

05.2.2012 | Unregistered Commenterellen patton

Seriously? Crazy! I must be in logistics mode because I had a ton of {nosy} questions for you as soon as I read this: how do the kids feel? what about your job? will you rent out your house or sell? See? Nosy.

That is really exciting. A long flight, with such an amazing destination! It will fun to hear about you getting ready for it all!

05.2.2012 | Unregistered Commenterallysha

Oh wow - Basic Joy coming to AU! I'm star-struck!

I'm a lurker / fan of your blog and Therese's sister in-law. Let us know if you come up to Sydney and we'll have you all around for dinner. I have 2 real life Hugh Jackman stories I'll share.. :)

05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterKerry

No. Way.

I would go international with my family in two seconds if I ever has the chance. Yay yay yay for you!

05.2.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Romney

I did gasp just a little.
And then I felt sad that you were leaving.
And then I realised that because we are online friends this doesn't change our friendship - just makes it a lot more interesting! What an amazing experience you will have. Yay!

05.3.2012 | Unregistered Commenterrobin

Hooray for you!

I also immediately thought about how this would affect Sam and Maddy

Can't wait to hear more about this journey. :)

05.3.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJillian

To your mom's comment I add two more words: Eric. Bana.

05.3.2012 | Unregistered CommenterTherese

Thank you all for your great enthusiasm and response! I'm sure I'll come back and read these comments in the moments when I need a little pep talk for the move.

Kerry, I am definitely going to take you up on that offer. Can't wait to meet you :) Any and all advice greatly appreciated in the meantime!

05.4.2012 | Registered CommenterAnne

HOLY COW!!! I am extremely excited for you but I know, Its scary too. And I thought it was crazy we were moving to Utah!!! Let's try and get together soon! I leave the end of June.

05.6.2012 | Unregistered CommenterLIZ

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