

Hi, I'm Annie.

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En route

Today Lauren and I are flying west to visit some of the colleges that are on her short list. She's been admitted (yay + whew!) but now it's time to decide. We'll be at BYU tomorrow, USU on Friday for their A-Day for admitted students, and Westminster in between. All of the schools have strengths (including some scholarships, hooray) so she's hoping to get a good feel for each and be drawn to one in particular so she can make a choice. 

You know what's more difficult than making this kind of decision? Watching your very own child make this kind of decision!  I know she's en route to the rest of her life and it will be wonderful to watch and support her but it's humbling watching her eye the first huge decision she's making for herself, entirely. Is a big flashing arrow sign for her too much to ask?

How did you (or your kids) choose? As far as I remember, I was pretty haphazard and things worked okay in the end. Or at least that's what I'm reminding myself.

. . .

In other news, change must be in the air because yesterday I cut 10 inches from my hair (& was thrilled that Pantene can use it for their program for cancer patients). Gone! I've re-discovered that I'm a short hair kind of gal and, as much as I enjoyed my foray into the world of long flowing locks (which on me became long limp tangled locks), I feel much more like myself now. Basically, I think it comes down to the fact that I'm more spunky than sultry. I grinned as soon as she cut off the ponytail. So light and free! Hats off to Donna, my new hairstylist extraordinaire. Here are the inspiration photos and results:

for an edgier look

for calmer days

and here's the result, via webcam. I maintain that I look like muppet, especially right around the mouth










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Reader Comments (12)

It is lovely. And really, you are pretty anyway, but I think it makes you look younger. I sincerely am trying to fight that "looking young" is a good thing but it's been ingrained, so take it as a compliment:)

03.24.2011 | Unregistered Commentermartha

Keep us posted on Lauren's decision; it's an exciting time! And I love your "new" hair! Short hair is cool. :)

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

You're hair looks great! I'm also a short hair kind of girl, but have grown it out and it looks good, but not great. Not quite ready to go back to short, but soon, maybe.

Good luck to Lauren! So exciting. Both schools are great.

When you are at the Y, you need to go see the Carl Bloch exhibit at the MOA. It is really amazing.

{And seriously, sometime when you're back here in Utah I would like to me you. In person, that is!}

03.24.2011 | Unregistered Commenterallysha

I love it! Looks great and not Muppet-like at all.

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJillian

I can't believe Lauren is old enough to be looking at colleges. Seriously. Are you totally freaking out? I kind of am for you! Bravo to her for getting into all those great schools. Keep us posted on what she decides.

And the hair? FABULOUS! You really look so cute with short hair (or long, really). You are spunky and sultry and always look chic. Not seeing the muppet in you though. I love it. Perfect spring change.

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

Lucky Lauren, lucky you--happy travels.
Love the hair. Love.
not seeing the muppet.

03.24.2011 | Unregistered Commentersevensmiles

Cute hair!!

A darling laurel in my ward spoke on Sunday and had just been going through this same thing with those same three schools!! Before her visits she thought BYU would be the absolute choice, but one step on to USU's campus and she was hooked. Your daughter is a smart girl, she'll know what to do!

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnnemarie

Oh, how I would love to have flashing arrows for EVERY major decision... Good Luck! And have FUN.
And the hair? A perfect combination of spunky and cute. LOVE it.

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

Love the hair. I purposely haven't cut mine since before Christmas so I could get it into a ponytail for Trek. How ridiculous is that?

And really? BYU seems like the only viable option to me. Where's the loyalty?

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I love it! And you are a super lovely mom giving your child all those choices. ;-) My daughters are already brainwashed into USU. Of course, the new equestrian center didn't hurt the selling process.

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterRochelle

I LOVE the haircut. It is PERFECT for you. I keep mine short for similar reasons. It just FEELS like me. SO, I get it.

I applied to one school. How smart (dumb) was that? Lauren is going about the process much more wisely. (more wisely? that doesn't sound right!) Anyway, have so much fun!!!!

03.24.2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa-Marie

I love the hair cut. I cut mine to the same length and couldn't believe how much I liked it! I may never go long again! About the colleges - each child finds where they fit best - and sometimes they get there and change their mind! Not the end of the world. For what it is worth Hannah liked BYU much better once she declared a major, Noah is hooked on USU (he thought he wanted BYU but once he went to USU he changed his mind) and Gabe - well, he just bounces around. I think his next attempt will be CSU in Fort Collins. Sigh.

03.30.2011 | Unregistered Commenterrobin

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