Let this be heaven
My grandma woke up with this poem running in her head and recited it to us at breakfast on Sunday, before we walked down to Wildwood sunday school under the trees.
Oh, God, let this be heaven—
I do not ask for golden streets
Or long for jasper walls
Nor do I sigh for pearly shores
Where twilight never falls
Just leave me here beside these peaks
In this rough western land,
I love this dear old world of thine—
Dear God, You understand.
Oh, God, let this be heaven—
I do not crave white, stainless robes
I’ll keep these marked by toil.
Instead of straight and narrow walks
I love trails soft with soil;
I have been healed by crystal streams,
But these from snow-crowned peaks
Where dawn burns incense to the day
And paints the sky in streaks.
Dear God, let this be heaven—
I do not ask for angel wings
Just leave that old peak there
And let me climb ‘til comes the night—
I want no golden stair
Then when I say my last adieu
And all farewells are given
Just leave my spirit here somewhere
Oh, God, let this be heaven!
~HR Merrill, 1930s
Wildwood cabin resident
BYU English and Poetry Professor
(this hangs in my grandparents' cabin)
Amen. This canyon might not be everyone's idea of heaven, but it's mine. What's your idea/hope of heaven's geography?
Reader Comments (6)
That's beautiful, Annie.
and yes, it's mine too.
i'm missing wildwood more than ever this year.
Anywhere where family is. And the mountains don't hurt.
PS: If you're around and have a minute, email me. Sitting in your old digs as we 'speak'.
Love this poem and the great photo. I was totally unaware you were taking it, but it is so nice to have. Loved our few days at Wildwood. Thanks for the photos of Sam, too. My photos are still in my camera along with my good intentions.