Wildwood love
to a place I love
(& one of the capital cities on the map of my childhood):
Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma Pax,
for creating and hosting
such a place.
Pure magic.
And love.
Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma Pax,
for creating and hosting
such a place.
Pure magic.
And love.
Since this is the first day of summer, it is also the first day of the Good Intentions Summer Program, version 9.0. {That's me, paving the road to hell with them, one year at a time.} But a couple of friends have asked what we do in the summer to stay occupied and out of the summer blahs. (And I have to admit, I'm very susceptible to the summer blahs so I need to have some sort of structure, too.) For those who are interested, here are the bare bones of our daily summer structure. It is oriented to the middle childhood/teen years:
Library. Bookstore.
Bike ride.
Trip to the pond. Or one of our favorite beaches.
Logic puzzles (my kids love trying the kids' section of these)
Movie (oh, yeah...I'm always up for a good summer matinee)
Take Louie on a long walk (please!)
Six Flags (in a fit of I-don't-know-what we got season passes this year)
Make a treasure hunt. Or a map. Or an obstacle course and record everyone's times
Have a friend over
Do an art project (Maddy received* the Guerilla Art Kit by the lovely Keri Smith. We'll be using this for fun ideas throughout the summer, I hope. It's really fantastic.)
Read, read, read.(Sam wanted to start a blog about books for boys so he'll be adding to that throughout the summer. I think. Remember what I said about good intentions...and we're still putting it together. But here's the link: Kids Bookshelf).
Please, please, please. What are you doing this summer? Or in your growing up summers? Do you/did you have Good Intentions Summer Programs? How long did they last? I'd love to hear your ideas in a comment or e-mail or link to your blog. The summer blahs are riding on this.
*This is kind of a backdoor brag. Maddy received this award at school, one where the teachers choose a 6th grader who embodies the school values of kindness and friendliness and excellence. I'm sort of against awards until one of my kids gets one and then I'm all "well, she did kind of deserve that one." Go ahead and roll your eyes, I won't look.
However--word to the wise.
If you have a Nuvi navigation system, be sure you have it set to
"fastest route"
rather than "shortest route."
Otherwise, when you drive to NYC, you will be boggled
and confused about why you keep getting directed off
of the modern 21st century freeway
to travel the scenic byways of Connecticut and New York,
complete with stoplights every 100 feet or so.
Certainly check on the setting while this is happening,
rather than waiting until you arrive back home.
Just a suggestion.
Sam is just glad he didn't have to spend more time in the car. He spent his free time this week making up impossible logic quizzes for me and G to stumble through. And grading them with big fat sorry scores. For some reason he started a balloon collection, blew them all up, and plans to sell them. I'm not sure who conducted his market research of the demand for blown-up balloons...but I'm pretty sure who's going to end up being his primary customer! Especially if it means clearing them from our house!
Please help us
name this dog
If we choose your name suggestion (left in the comments),
I will send you a fabulous prize
having to do with a book shopping spree
and nothing to do with dogs.
(our naming guidelines: people names preferred...
nothing too cutesy...think manly with a hint of sensitive(?)...
uniqueness preferred...)
May or may not have been heard at our house:
"Why did I only get one pair of underpants from you in the laundry this week?”
“I don’t know. Maybe ‘cause I only took one shower.”
“Wait. You only took one shower?”
{How did I not notice that?}
“Hmm. That’s not enough.”
Kids assemble from all corners of the house.
“Is everyone aware that the standard is clean underpants Every. Single. Day??
Guffaws & nods.
“Okay. Because I’m definitely not seeing 21 pairs of kid underpants every week in the laundry, if you know what I mean…”
Horrified silence.
“Can we go now?”
I’m pretty sure I had mentioned all this to them before. More than a few times.
It wasn’t the Romney’s sickness training video* but it was needed all the same.
*my favorite line from the video: "There's a hierarchy of things we care about. First? Carpet...Second? Other people." {Hey Jessica, you've had 1,112 views on YouTube for that video! Your system is spreading across the globe...}