

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Never say never

I was afraid spring break around here was going to be a little bit of a downer (by the way, I would totally hire this company if I needed to move my piano--extra points for black humor) but it turned out to be a great week.
The gorgeous weather didn't hurt.
We did NYC last weekend,
went to Six Flags on Tuesday,
had a picnic and hang-out day on Wednesday,
the kids went to work with G on Thursday,
another free-form day on Friday,
and kayaking on the river on Saturday.
Bonus=I'm so glad I'm not driving back from Florida today.

However--word to the wise.
If you have a Nuvi navigation system, be sure you have it set to
"fastest route"
rather than "shortest route."
Otherwise, when you drive to NYC, you will be boggled
and confused about why you keep getting directed off
of the modern 21st century freeway
to travel the scenic byways of Connecticut and New York,
complete with stoplights every 100 feet or so.
Certainly check on the setting while this is happening,
rather than waiting until you arrive back home.
Just a suggestion.

Notice the oldest child cowering behind the others. Lauren has reached the age of weariness with her photographing mom. She's been heard to mutter "don't you think you should be experiencing this instead of taking pictures of it?" and "Not again!" Kids these days and their exasperating logical conclusions! What she doesn't realize is that I need proof of the great times we all had! These are my evidence exhibits in the court of we-never-went-anywhere-when-we-were-kids! Unfortunately, it will appear that I myself never went anywhere with them, since I am always behind the camera but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Maddy's getting ready for a big violin recital next week. She continues to read books that are too sad and make her cry, although she feels that a book isn't truly great unless it does make her cry. This results in an almost daily cleansing cry and hugging fest. (Hint= if the character has a serious illness at the beginning, it's probably not going to end happily.) My favorite Maddyism this week was when we were winding through side streets in the Bronx (thanks confused Nuvi!). Noticing the brownstones and the porch stoops she said cheerfully "This reminds me of Sesame Street." [pause while drunk down-on-luck guy crosses in front of us and yells] "Except he's not so happy."

Sam is just glad he didn't have to spend more time in the car. He spent his free time this week making up impossible logic quizzes for me and G to stumble through. And grading them with big fat sorry scores. For some reason he started a balloon collection, blew them all up, and plans to sell them. I'm not sure who conducted his market research of the demand for blown-up balloons...but I'm pretty sure who's going to end up being his primary customer! Especially if it means clearing them from our house!

And, finally, in the never say never department
here's the newest addition to our household:

We finally wore down G and, after lots of conversations with breeders, etc.
we have (or will have when he can come home in a week or two) a puppy!
Four of us love him and one of us hopes he doesn't shed, bark, chew, poop, or stink.

Please help us
name this dog
If we choose your name suggestion (left in the comments),
I will send you a fabulous prize
having to do with a book shopping spree
and nothing to do with dogs.

(our naming guidelines: people names preferred...
nothing too cutesy...think manly with a hint of sensitive(?)...
uniqueness preferred...)

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Reader Comments (17)

{as in "Hu go over there in the corner of the yard and poop." or "Hu go play with the kids right now, mommy's tired of being the only one that feeds, cleans and walks you..."}
Good luck.
He's cute, though.
I'm not going to feel guilty and break down and get one, I'm not going to feel guilty and get one, I'm not going to feel guilty....

04.28.2008 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

not a "people" name, but he's got that cute little mask over half his face.
that's all i've got.

04.28.2008 | Unregistered Commenterjess

I was just wishing one of my kids would name a grandkid Hank.

04.28.2008 | Unregistered CommenterTravelinOma

Patch. I know it's not original...but it looks like he's wearing one.


04.28.2008 | Unregistered Commentergab

Harry for Harry Potter and Hairy furniture. Break sounded fun. Good luck with house training.

04.28.2008 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

Ernest. As in, the importance of being...

04.29.2008 | Unregistered Commenterallysha

Here are my candidates:
(He just looks very British is all.)

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

OH. NO. YOU. DI'NT! AAHHH! I can't believe G caved. That puppy is adorable! I want to come visit and rub his little belly.

Hannah has a few suggestions. Here's hers:
and Lulu

My suggestion would be Greg the dog, so it could match Greg the boy bunny, and Greg the girl bunny (they're still thriving, by the way). Congrats on a beautiful pup!

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I can't believe you are getting a puppy! very brave.

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

So far so good! We are going to have a tough time choosing...

Hugo good, nice humor (and also I love the book Les Mis so nice literary connection to Victor Hugo!). Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm crazy.

Phantom, another broadway musical favorite, is very fitting. You're right...half covered face = very phantom of the opera-y. And still a person name, kind of. Although I was inexplicably partial to Raoul.

Hank! I too have dreams of children named Henry, Hank for short. He's a playful dog...could definitely see Hank.

We are pirate lovers here. Patch would fit in. One syllable also good, conserving energy in calling him.

Harry/hairy. Points for double meaning, for British & children's lit connections. Minuses for the thought of hairy furniture. What have I gotten myself into?

Ernest...Bonus connection to Oscar Wilde. I have to admit I have a desire for literary or historical names, even if I just know them in my head. Plus I love the comic Frank and Ernest. And Bert and Ernie.

Matt, you know me so well. Clive and Simon, definite contenders (clive = clive owen, CS lewis...mmm philosopher dog??) And "well hello, my name is Simon" could be his theme song with that name.

Hannah, I LOVE Ellen and Daisy. Those would win. But the boy dog told me he didn't want a girl name. Do you have any boy names you like? I think you are so good at naming things! Say hi to Greg the bunny!

Jen. I know. I keep looking at the legs of my furniture and wondering how they will survive. Maybe I'll use the name for a cute little teddy bear instead? Too late?

Keep 'em coming!

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

Sounds like a great week! So much better than a drive to Mickey's house! I LOVE books that make me cry! My daughter wanted to sell rocks last summer. CUTE puppy! We will never get a dog...our dad won't get one for the same reasons you stated :( My suggestions: Fenway,Pappi,Darcy,Hinkley,and Spooks-this is my favorite since we are huge MI5 fans too.

04.29.2008 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

Robyn suggested Drake after Drake Bell who is young, sensitive (a musician) and manly.

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmy5

I swore that if we ever had a dog, I would name him Bertrand, after our landlord in Paris. You can use the name if you like, since our imaginary dog and your real life dog will probably never cross paths.

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterSally

My vote would be Mr. Darcy, or you could just shorten it to Darcy. Good luck with that new cutie!

04.29.2008 | Unregistered CommenterSusie

My vote is Edward. Its masculine but can be cute if you shorten it to Ed or Eddie.

04.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

If you are still taking suggestions, I think RALPH.

04.30.2008 | Unregistered Commentertjhirst

Definitely Snickers.

05.3.2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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