Three again
Look! All three kids together again...and willing to jump out of the car by the side of the freeway to pose next to a giant cow (or, to be more precise, a giant bull).
Really though, who can pass up a photo op with a giant bull??
Not me, that's who.
With Lauren home, there's more laughter & joyful noise, later bedtimes, and we go through a few more bagels. We're looking forward to a hyggli, laid back summer. Although they each have some scheduled, structured obligations (work, scout camp, etc.), we're also planning on basking in our last New England summer: hikes, bike rides, beaches, and a quest for the best ice cream cone, best hot dog, and best lobster roll in the area.
And if we can just sell our house, I can stop being OCD mom; it's a challenge with everyone home full time. I am so grateful for appliances and the trunk of our car for their cavernous ability to hold a bunch of random clutter gathered and thrown in as we sweep the house frantically before a showing. Pay no attention to the shoes and charging cords in the washer, sports equipment in the dryer, and piles of mail in the dishwasher, home buyers! Everything else is in good shape! Go ahead and make an offer!
Reader Comments (7)
I drove past that sign on Monday and wanted to stop and take a photo. Then I ended up going home a different way. I love fairs! Your kids look so happy to be together. :)
Yay for (almost) everyone together in one place!
I'm so glad you've got them all home!!! Suck the marrow from life, mama. Way to go.
Laughing out loud at the dryer/dishwasher stashing. BEEN THERE. DONE THAT. My favorite was when we bought this house and it was during the inspection. The inspector opened the dishwasher to check it out and she had stashed all kinds of things in there. We all do it. Fingers crossed for a quick & easy sale.
We call it "stuff and fluff."
It also works when you're having company or just need to clean up the surfaces for some reason.
HAPPY SUMMER-ing to you all!!
ah, good to have them gathered again. Sorry about the house selling-- absolute torture!
I miss the fam . . .
Holy cow! Cowabunga! And all the other cringe-worthy puns there are about cattle/bovine. A great photo and a great example of carpe diem, only this one is carpe cowum, or carpe momentem/minutem. ?? Not sure what the Latin is for moment or minute.