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Remember the chairs?

Next year will you remind me to take them inside before December?
I always forget.
Also, I think it's too late to get the daffodil bulbs planted.

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Reader Comments (5)

Those chairs are so cute! I'd leave 'em out all year too.

Jealous of all your snow. We're going to have a brown Christmas this year.

12.21.2007 | Unregistered Commentergab

Yeah, I'm not jealous. I've been there, done that.

And those chairs are way cute. Where did you find them?

Thanks for reminding me how much I love Portland!

12.21.2007 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

That grouping of chairs makes a perfectly wonderful yard art sculpture. The whole series was fun to see. I know what you mean about the daffodil bulbs. I missed the bulb bubble again this year. Glad I had Greg go out and sprinkle some flower seeds around when he was here for Thanksgiving. A friend gave them to me, and kept asking me if I had planted them. I know she will show up in the spring to inspect, so at least I will have some proof of my appreciation for the seeds. Thanks, GREG!! Love, Ma

12.22.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

That's a lot of snow...reminds me how glad I am that I escaped the snow in Utah for a warm Christmas in Texas. Have a great Christmas! Jen

12.23.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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