

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Internet curiosity shop

Every once in a while I come across a site that proves that--yes--truly, there's a little piece of something for everyone on this information highway. {My two long-time readers will remember I've shared the hotdog blog before, created by G's former co-worker, and the pooh sticks tournament site}

Here are a couple of new additions to the vast curiosity shop that is the internet:

Well, of course, there's a website called Kitty Wigs! What cat wouldn't want to amp up her wardrobe with a little swingy wig? Check out the "bashful blonde" and the "silver fox," too.

I love photo booths. Love the frenzy of quick-hurry-think-of-a-pose {click} now-let's-do-silly {click} speedy-exit-your-turn-in {click} let's-all-jam-in-here-now {click}. Love the retro look of the black and white photos and the spontaneity they capture. A few years back we used photo booth strips for our Christmas card and I wanted to do it again this year. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember where to find one around here. Well guess what? There's a photo booth blog, complete with photo booth finder, lists of movies featuring photo booths, photo booth rental information (I wish!), etc.etc.

What are the best- most obscure - funniest - websites you've encountered in your wanderings?

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Reader Comments (3)

Oh, I love that bashful blond wig on that bashful blond kitty. Who knew? It does not surprise me one bit - this world is a wacky place. At last, the whackos have places to find their stuff.

I've not run across anything that weird - probably because I'm spending all my time catching up on blogs. I need to get out more in the WWW.

That is so funny. The scary thing is, there are enough people in this world buying kitty wigs to make a website a worthwhile business. I'm like Stie - spend too much time blogging to just surf. BUt I"ll let you know what I find...

12.20.2007 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

In the last 10 years or so, I have been in a photo booth maybe three times. About two years ago, I had one of the most memorable photobooth times: my cousin had one at his wedding. It was a terrifically fun! The pictures were fun, some even arty (perhaps even accidentally). The married couple got one of the two strips printed for each photo and the subjects got the other strip. Relaxed (and have I said that taking the photos was fun?") pictures enhanced the formal photos and the guests got a fabulous favor. My husband and I even looked into starting a photobooth business as a result. Something about thousands of dollars and heavy equipment made the venture a little less palatable...for now. D

12.24.2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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