My English
penpal Lindsay tagged me for the Seven Strange Things About Me challenge. Hmm....only 7?
1. There are no bureaus/dressers in our house. Isn't that odd?? We just use closets and shelves and baskets. I think the real story is that I've never felt like using funds for dressers when I can save it for a trip. Or books. Or camera lenses.
2. I have not read the Harry Potter series. I know, I know. But I'm saving it! (I have actually read the first one to Sam years ago but I'm savoring the fact that I still have them ahead of me.)
3. I like to do things at even intervals on the clock. Not 7:08 or 7:09...I'll wait until 7:10. Or, even better, 7:15 or 7:30. This is how I delay getting out of bed in the morning.
4. I love to peel things: paint, wallpaper (now that I have a steamer. Thanks, Jen!), fingernails, apples, potatoes. So satisfying.
5. I'd rather organize than clean. My tolerance of a little dirt is higher than my tolerance for clutter.
6. I was a copy editor/proofreader for a book publishing company. To this day I can spot those typos in books I makes me feel like I should write to the editor if I spot one. (I never actually do it. But I do correct typos I find on my blog posts so I end up posting some things several times. Sorry.)
7. We will be spending Christmas on an airplane. In order to get the cheap tickets, we are leaving on Christmas Day. Nothing says Christmas like airplane food, movies on tiny screens, and the little uncomfortable, paper-covered pillows!
As for where we're going on that trip? How about a little contest? The person who guesses where we're going (hint: we will use our passports) gets a little care package from me, including some of my favorite goodies and a book giftcard.
Guesses close Wednesday 10/8/08 at midnight, one guess per person :). If you already know where we're going (Mom & Dad? Matt?) you are not eligible.
Reader Comments (17)
Hi Annie
I enjoyed reading your 7 strange things! It does seem strange to be spending Christmas day in the air and that led me to think it must be a really special trip you have planned. First of all I tried to think of somewhere not too far that would have some sunshine and you would need a passport for. I came up with Bermuda and then changed my mind because I know you wanted to do more travelling in Europe. I will have a wild guess at Prague. Yes my final answer is Prague. I look forward to finding out the answer tomorrow!
I don't have a dresser either (my kids do...) but I want a REALLY expensive one or a custom closet.
Also I want a trip to Aruba. So that is my guess. Am I close?
I thought since your brother Matt knows, maybe you are going to visit him (I was thinking he was the peace corp one) but a little research revealed he lives in Denver--no passport required. And your peace corp brother is in Mali--definitely passport required. But Mali seems a place that would require lots of shots and once there probably deserves a longer stay than Christmas vacation can allow. And the state of the dollar makes European travel not so pleasant, and it's cold there (but I don't fancy a little cold keeps your family away) so after much thought and a much longer post (sorry) my guess is the British Virgin Islands--just maybe a little too mainstream for you guys but--passport, sun, happy times, and easy to get to. Hope you have fun wherever you go.
p.s. (when I started writing that post nobody had commented yet--yes, it is too long, haha)
Wow so many places to choose from. So I had a good look through your archives - not many hints at all darn it! You have indeed been to many places though. I was going to go with Ireland to visit the aunt/uncle there, but then you mentioned wanting to go somewhere warm like Mexico or Hawaii. I don't think a passport is needed for Hawaii so I'll say Mexico! Or New Zealand(I'm only saying that out of obligation since that's my home country lol!)
i feel like i missed my calling as an editor. i find errors in almost everything i read. most people find it annoying. i'm glad i can count on you to feel proud of me.
i guess somewhere in the england or scotland area. which is silly, because who goes there in the winter? it's cold and rainy. only one guess, huh? shoot.
I'm going to guess that you are taking a cruise to someplace that requires a passport...the usually rules out the I'm going to say that you are going on a cruise to someplace around mexico.
I don't have a dresser either. I love your beautiful armoires. The ones I can see in pics on your blogs are gorgeous.
I am guessing Ireland.
The Mediterranean? Cyprus maybe??
It, requires a passport
and is still relatively warm...
I don't know.
I don't ski, so I can't imagine paying loads of money on a vacation where I will freeze.
Can't wait for the reveal :)
Are you kidding me? A contest! I am dying to win. My guess is England.
Love your weird things.
I am guessing somewhere in South America. Guatemala?
Holland? Denmark?
We don't use dressers either...too expensive. My guess is least I hope its Italy.
Hi Annie,
Well, I was going to guess Rome but someone already guessed Italy. So now it is a toss up between Holland and Spain. Spain is much warmer in the winter so my guess is Spain.
I LOVE the "7 weird things about me" thing. I think I will work on one for me, and, yes, I know you who are related to me will say, "ONLY 7?!" anyway, I will include them in an e-mail to family members and friends. It makes weirdness very fun. Who can be the weirdest?
Thanks for the pictures of your weekend and the contest. I will bow out, of course, since I know. I was going to sign off in the language of the place you are going, but I won't be that obvious.