Raise your hand if you think you're a perfect parent...
Anyone? Anyone? No? Me either.
If not, go read Jessica's letter this week at Letters to a Parent, addressed to The Mom Who's Not Perfect. And go easy on yourself, okay?
Thanks, Jessica, for sharing this.
Reader Comments (6)
I really enjoyed her letter. It just struck a cord with me. I am SO GLAD you have this site!
I loved her letter too.These letters are such a great way to share wisdom and feel a sense of community as parents. (note to self: write my letter)
Um, I raised my hand.
Oh, good, Unmighty. I was hoping to meet one someday.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Um, you don't need to link over to the letter I guess.
beautiful letter!
Annie, Although I'm with Nate on this one(given up on the concept of perfection) the definition in Hebrew, as you probably know, from which the word was translated into English in scripture means "complete, or whole"- but even then the meaning is still a bit perplexing in applying it to earth experiences.